2024 Full Event Guide

Browse the full Event Guide to discover:

  • 2 dedicated tracks of content showcasing breakthrough industry progress in systemic and local administration
  • Translational and early clinical progress of brain shuttle platforms with Roche, JCR, Biogen, Alector, and more
  • Cutting-edge presentations of quantitative approaches to monitor drug biodistribution in the CNS with the likes of Takeda and Denali
  • 4 pre-conference workshops delving into focused ultrasound, nanoparticle delivery, oligonucleotide conjugates, and more with Ionis, Bristol Myers Squibb, Ossianix, and more
  • Delivery device innovation and translational CSF administration progress showcased by Sanofi, Alcyone Therapeutics, PassageBio, Eli Lilly and more
CNS Drug Devlivery Summit Brochure 2024

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“Having the opportunity to hear researchers share their personal experiences, setting up the opportunities for further collaboration and a general consensus on ways we should move forward in the field to increase chances for further success.”


“The presentations are informative and educational. I have a deeper understanding on CNS drug delivery overall. The network sessions are effective. I had opportunities to speak to researchers that have the same issue.”

“A lot of discussion amongst people at the meeting. It's also clear that there is a massive amount of innovation going on in the CNS area.”


"What sets this event apart is that there is a clear focus on the CNS drug delivery element in turning science into medicine. The scope spans the entire journey from laying the scientific foundations with a deep understanding of BBB physiology over developing technologies for CNS drug delivery to ultimately making them fit for clinical development and delivering drugs to patients!" 

“This event allows to do what is most important in our field: Connecting the dots between pharma, medical devices and clinical research.”


“Having the opportunity to hear researchers share their personal experiences, setting up the opportunities for further collaboration and a general consensus on ways we should move forward in the field to increase chances for further success.”


“The presentations are informative and educational. I have a deeper understanding on CNS drug delivery overall. The network sessions are effective. I had opportunities to speak to researchers that have the same issue.”


“A lot of discussion amongst people at the meeting. It's also clear that there is a massive amount of innovation going on in the CNS area.”


"What sets this event apart is that there is a clear focus on the CNS drug delivery element in turning science into medicine. The scope spans the entire journey from laying the scientific foundations with a deep understanding of BBB physiology over developing technologies for CNS drug delivery to ultimately making them fit for clinical development and delivering drugs to patients!" 


“This event allows to do what is most important in our field: Connecting the dots between pharma, medical devices and clinical research.”

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