Yuan Yuan

Company: Biogen
Job title: Associate Scientific Director
11.00 Developing Clinically Translatable Capsids with Enhanced CNS Tropism Through Human Receptor-Targeted Engineering 11:00 am
Outlining the rational design: genetically fusing a TFR1-targeting moiety to an AAV capsid Demonstrating efficient CNS transduction specifically in humanized mouse models expressing TFR1 Highlighting their translatability and clinical applicationsRead more
day: Day Two Track 1 AM
1.00 Roundtable Discussion: Looking Beyond Transferrin for New Receptor-Ligand Pair Opportunities 1:00 pm
More practical and highly interactive breakout roundtables where attendees can crowd-source solutions and share opinions around pre-assigned topic areas. What are the other receptors that could be harnessed for transcytosis across the blood-brain barrier? How can we overcome species differences in these new receptors of interest? Which receptors have the greatest potential to be de-risked…Read more
day: Day Two Track 1 PM
2.30 Panel Discussion | Reviewing the Current Ecosystem of Available In Vitro Models for Studying Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability & Delivery 2:30 pm
How does the data you are looking to generate determine which model is most fit for purpose? How do you identify the most suitable model for testing each therapeutic modality? What key factors are absent in current in vitro models compared to the data obtained from mouse experiments?Read more
day: Day One Track 1 PM