Smrithi Padmakumar
Company: Spark Therapeutics, Inc.
Job title: Senior Scientist - Drug Product Development
2.00 Optimizing Dose Levels for Convection-Enhanced Delivery to Ensure Greater Transduction to Deep Brain Regions 2:00 pm
Exploring advances in gene therapy delivery through CED Achieving efficient delivery at a given dose level Navigating complex device architecture to achieve greater depth of penetration Smrithi Padmakumar, Drug Product Development Senior Scientist, Spark TherapeuticsRead more
day: Day One Track 2 PM
2.30 Roundtable Discussion: Scaling Up Convection-Enhanced Delivery for a Wider Scope of Clinical Applications: What Will it Take to Get There? 2:30 pm
More practical and highly interactive breakout roundtables where attendees can crowd-source solutions and share opinions around pre-assigned topic areas. How can we scale this up & move away from real time monitoring to perform CED in a standard operating room? How can we ensure efficient quality control in the absence of real time imaging? What…Read more
day: Day One Track 2 PM