Chris Kadamus

Company: Eli Lilly & Co.
Job title: Executive Director of Engineering
11.30 Roundtable Discussion: Exploring Strategies to Enhance CSF Compatibility 11:30 am
More practical and highly interactive breakout roundtables where attendees can crowd-source solutions and share opinions around pre-assigned topic areas: Physical chemistry considerations: How can we optimize properties such as viscosity, density, osmolarity, and diffusivity to ensure the drug resides in the target brain region? – Rachael Miller, Research Scientist, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School…Read more
day: Day Two Track 2 AM
2.30 Roundtable Discussion: Scaling Up Convection-Enhanced Delivery for a Wider Scope of Clinical Applications: What Will it Take to Get There? 2:00 pm
More practical and highly interactive breakout roundtables where attendees can crowd-source solutions and share opinions around pre-assigned topic areas. How can we scale this up & move away from real time monitoring to perform CED in a standard operating room? How can we ensure efficient quality control in the absence of real time imaging? What…Read more
day: Day One Track 2 PM
8.20 Chair’s Opening Remarks 8:20 am
day: Day One
8.30 Selecting the Optimal Route of Administration Based on Delivery Vehicle Compatibility 8:30 am
Reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of different RoAs Deciphering which RoAs are most suited to targeting different areas of the brain Evaluating the right RoA for different therapeutic modalitiesRead more
day: Day One
9.30 Panel Discussion | Assessing the Invasiveness of Local Administration Over Systemic Injection: Do the Risks Outweigh the Rewards? 9:30 am
Making the case that a given CNS disorder requires local delivery: Is there sufficient evidence to support the requirement for a direct RoA? How does level of invasiveness differ depending on drug modality? Are genetic medicines safer to consider for local delivery due to one-time dosing? Which brain regions hold the most promise for targeting…Read more
day: Day One